Having the highest cost of living in the world, Singapore definitely would have certain consequences to bear. The lower-incomes would find it more difficult to live comfortably. Having a low-income, the breadmaker of the households would already be struggling to support the entire family, feeding full everyone in the family, paying the electrical & water bills, and paying the school fees for the children. Although there are already incentives provided for the government and the Non-Governmental Organisations, but they would still be unable to live a comfortable lifestyle without having to worry about anything.
Another possible consequence is the decrease in immigration to Singapore. Having a high cost of living, migrants might reconsider living in Singapore as they would have to work longer hours, to earn more money just to live here. However, there is still the pull factor for migrants to decide to migrate to Singapore. With the banning of personal possession weapons(e.g guns and rifles) except for authorised personnel, and the advantage of the small land size that allows stricter and more thorough checks through customs, Singapore's security is safer than many other countries. Thus, it is not definite that the migrants would reject coming to Singapore just because of the high cost of living.
Although having a high cost of living would have certain possible consequences on Singapore, but there are other contributing factors to the decision-making depending on the different perspectives.